12 Famous Television Characters Whose Faces Remained Unseen


They are literally the unseen heroes of prime-time television — voices we could never quite put a face to.

Today Here would love to introduce you to some of them.

The Big Bang Theory — Howard’s Mom


This hilarious Jewish mom with a thick Jersey accent was a full-blown member of the cast, even though we never saw her face. This character was written off in 2014 after the passing of Carol Ann Susi, whose voice gave life to Debbie Melvina Wolowitz.

Veep — The US President

Veep’s version of the President is as blank a canvas as can be! With no name, no political party, and no screen appearances, he is an enigmatic boss for the show’s protagonist, Selina Meyer.

South Park — Cast

Always on point with its harsh sarcasm, the vast part of this controversial show’s cast is voiced by Matt Stone and Trey Parker. Goodness only knows how they manage to switch from Kenny to Butters in a matter of seconds.

Charlie’s Angels — Charlie Townsend

Charlie was written as an old detective, and he never appears on-screen because he has so many enemies. The mysterious employer of Charlie’s Angels was voiced by John Forsythe, most known for his work in the TV drama Dynasty.

Friends — Ugly Naked Guy

Living across the street from Monica and Rachel, Ugly Naked Guy was a recurring joke on the sitcom for doing his chores, well...naked and with his shades wide open. Over several seasons and in different situations he was referred to as “Ugly Naked Guy,” “Cute Naked Guy,” and “Unattractive Nude Man.” At some point, he even had a happy ending with a naked lady. This led to Ross taking his apartment after bonding with the previous owner while eating mini muffins in the nude.

Columbo — Mrs. Columbo

Though we only can imagine this character through her husband’s dialogue, scriptwriters didn’t make her out to be a humorous addition to the scene. She is a seemingly lighthearted and curious woman.


Will & Grace — Stan Walker

Karen Walker’s on-again, off-again husband, Stan, seems to be almost as eccentric as his spouse. He is a businessman who started a mattress store with a friend but eventually founded the multi-billion-dollar company Walker, Inc.

His wife, however, doesn’t see much of him. It is said that they have a standing lunch once a month so she won’t forget what he looks like.

Tom & Jerry — Mammy Two Shoes

Did you ever wonder in your childhood about the face of Mammy Two Shoes? Her legs so conveniently appear in a lot of episodes of Tom and Jerry, just to save a little mouse and punish a cat. Well, here is Lillian Randolph. Now you can finally place the face to this character.

Scrubs — Enid Kelso

The hated wife of Bob Kelso from Scrubs, Enid Kelso, is an obese paraplegic woman. She is unkind to her husband and is usually the butt of the joke in almost every season of this fan favorite sitcom.

Babylon 5 — Kosh Naranek

Appearing a lot on-screen, Kosh remains unseen because the form he appears in is a shield so that no one can figure out his real face.

Frasier — Maris Crane

Mentioned many times, yet never shown on-screen, Niles Crane’s first wife, Maris, is wealthy and dominating with a lot of physical defects. She is often the subject of jokes and described as “...a wife who’s like a refugee from [The] Taming of the Shrew.”

Twin Peaks — Diane


There is still controversy surrounding whether Diane, Dale Cooper’s elusive and mysterious secretary, was an actual person or a figment of his imagination. Was she an alter ego of sorts to cope with Caroline’s death?

Do you know any other characters you’d like to add to this list? Share with us!

Preview photo credit MGM

