This Artist Hilariously Tells of the Problems Every Girl Goes Through


Mary Park, also known as Murrz, is an artist and graphic designer from Los Angeles. She creates funny and realistic comics that all girls understand.

With the author’s permission, Here shares some pictures and hopes they won’t leave you indifferent. You can find more comics on Murrz’s Facebook and Instagram.

Your clothes? Do you mean "our clothes"?


Strong and independent


My diet

Romantic dinner

The nature of cats

They’re still really cute.

The reason why I shouldn’t cry:

There are 2 types of girls:


Sing like nobody hears.

Prominent masterchef

When my boyfriend and I watch romantic movies:

Me vs. Instagram

When I spend all my money:

"Those" days...

Sometimes you just wanna hide.

I’m getting sick of it.

How to tell that you’ve already grown up:


Does this ring a bell with you, girls? Share your opinion in the comments!

Preview photo credit murrzstudio

