15 of the Friendliest, Bravest, Most Loyal Dog Breeds for Seniors


Each dog breed has its own uniqueness. Some are playful, some are highly aggressive, and some cannot sit still without lending a helping paw. For our senior readers looking to adopt a puppy, there are the 15 friendliest dog breeds you should have no problem training.

1. Maltese


The Maltese may be small and unintimidating, but they’ve got a huge personality and are a total joy to be around. This breed isn’t high-maintenance, so you don’t have to physically keep up with the dog to keep him or her happy. Measuring up to 10 inches in length, it’s nearly impossible for a Maltese to knock a person down.

2. Poodle


The playful, lovable poodle is often found skittering around the legs of older folks. They’re incredibly adorable and just as loyal. Their active, quirky behavior makes them a limitless source of entertainment for the old and young alike. Not only are they hilarious, poodles actually make great guard dogs. Their intelligence allows pet owners to train them quickly and without much trouble.

3. Beagle


Beagles are one of the simplest breeds to tame. They’re mainly known for their playful nature and easy-going behavior. In addition, they can stay relatively fit without much exercise, though they will jump up and down in joy when you mention the words “walk” or “park” (if conditioned). Beagles make for awesome companions for the young and elderly alike.

4. Pomeranian


The thick-furred Pomeranian is an endless source of joy for dog owners regardless of age. Their curious facial expressions can tug at the hearts of all people and keep us entertained for hours on end. However, don’t be fooled by its small stature; Pomeranians are highly protective of their masters. They’re also incredibly watchful and can sniff out danger from a mile away. They’re also relatively easy to train, so you and your Pomeranian can become good friends quickly.

5. Australian Cattle Dog


The Australian Cattle Dog is an intelligent breed that can learn new tricks in no time. However, they require lots of reinforcement and patience, but they can quickly catch on with age. Australian Cattle Dogs are a favorite among older folks for their loyalty and playful behavior, but they’re quick to snap at those who give off an aura of danger.

6. Schipperke


The dark coat of a Schipperke is enough to put most people on edge. That, plus the fact that Schipperkes are typically trained as guard dogs. It’s pretty clear that they’re intelligent, which is a quality that seniors should look for in a dog. Schipperkes can tell the difference between friend and intruder is important since the dog won’t constantly tug at its leash to attack the mailman.

7. Vizsla


Vizsla is a territorial dog breed but is willing to share your home with humans. They can be aggressive at times, and many dog owners claim that training them can be problematic. However, with the right exercises, you’ll find the Vizsla to be much more than a watchdog—they make for excellent companions.

8. Border Collie



The Border Collie was originally bred for hunting purposes. Their sensitive smell and vision senses allow them to seek out prey from great distances. These senses will come in handy when strangers come knocking at your door. Their aggressiveness needs to be kept in check, especially around new dog owners who might not be equipped to handle such a naturally fierce breed.

9. Papillon


Papillons are super-cute dogs with wing-like ears, but don’t take its cuteness as a sign of weakness. Even though their bites aren’t too deep, their inclination towards aggressive behaviors needs to be tamed out of them before introducing them to others. More often than not, their tiny barks are playful and inviting, but they will attack without hesitation those who intend to do harm.

10. Doberman Pinscher


Doberman Pinschers also have a bad rep for their aggressive and bold appearances. However, they’re extremely kind and loyal animals that will follow their masters to the edge of the world and back without hesitation. Their sleek, black fur is what makes them intimidating, and walking with one or two Doberman Pinschers down the block will show others that you’re nothing to mess with.

11. Golden Retriever


Golden Retrievers are undoubtedly one of the most protective companions a man can have. What most people don’t know about Golden Retrievers isn’t that they actually don’t retrieve gold, but rather they are prone to aggressive behavior without training. This is another dog breed commonly used in hunting, so it’s not hard to see why they need to be tamed before living indoors.

12. Labrador Retriever


The Labrador Retriever is an incredibly loyal and playful breed. In fact, they are the unofficial mascot of the American dog and ideal pet for children and older folks alike. Their loyalty knows no bounds, and they will snap at intruders to keep its home and masters safe. These two qualities make the Labrador Retriever a perfect pet for the eldery.

13. Rottweiler


Rottweilers originally helped humans with pulling carts and protecting livestock. You can see from their muscular build that they’re bred to perform some of the most challenging tasks. Their stature can be intimidating, and having a Rottweiler can give you a pretty bad image (that’s the sad truth), but they will keep guard over you and your family to ensure safety whenever they’re around.

14. Standard Schnauzer


The Standard Schnauzer were originally farm dogs in Germany. From its looks, you might not be able to tell that it has a history of protecting livestock, although the mustache does give off an aura of wisdom. Standard Schnauzers will take charge when given the opportunity and doesn’t particularly like strangers. They may be small, at least in comparison to a Doberman Pinscher, but what it lacks in size, it makes up for in courage.

15. Rough Collie



If you’ve ever watched lassie, then you already know what a Rough Collie is. This breed, like the fictional Lassie, is incredibly brave and loyal. It doesn’t take much to fully train a Rough Collie as they very rarely throw temper tantrums. However, if its disturbed or unhappy, you’ll notice scratch and chew marks all over your furniture.

