Here’s a great reason why you should start using dish soap in your toilet IMMEDIATELY


Using dish soap for your toilet has some surprising benefits


Clogged toilets are something no one really wants to think about. Dealing with this problem is not just annoying but also quite revolting. If your toilet is clogged the water normally used to flush it, gets trapped and might potentially even spill over! 
Flushing the toilet is certainly not a very pleasant task, but it must be done. Learning a thing or two about avoiding blockages might come in handy, so continue reading on the next page to learn how to deal with this problem!

Clogged toilets

If a toilet is clogged most people use a suction cup to remove whatever is blocking the flow of water. If this method doesn’t work pipe cleaners are often used to solve this problem. These chemicals can be quite expensive and you might not have them stored at your house. In case you are in urgent need of some help you can use dish soap instead! Even though this sounds almost too easy to be true it really works! 


Dish soap

This method is as easy it sounds, simply pour a decent amount of dish soap into the clogged toilet. It only takes a few seconds for the soap to sink into the pipe. You then have to add hot water and wait for 20 to 30 minutes. Please don’t use boiling water as it might damage the toilet. Once the blockage is broken up and the excess water has been drained you can flush the toilet once more. Your toilet should now not only be clean, but there should also be a pleasant smell.



Dish soap also works as a preventative measure. Simply pour a decent amount of dish soap into your toilet every now and you will make sure there is no build-up of residue that might cause problems later. This is especially recommended if your toilet was already clogged before and you are worried it might happen again. 


