Hats That Suit Large Heads


Whether you're a man or a woman, choosing a hat can be challenging if you have a larger-than-average head. You need to find a hat that not only fits, but also flatters your head and face. The hat styles best suited to you depend upon not only the size of your head, but also the shape of your face and the occasion, from formal to casual.


A woman wearing a fedora laughing with her friend. (Image: Digital Vision./Photodisc/Getty Images)


Hat sizing depends upon the quality of the hat. Less expensive hats may be sized small, medium and large, or some variation on this, such as L-XL as a single size. Costlier hats, like those sold by specialty hat shops, are commonly sold by band size. To measure your size, hold a cloth tape measure snugly around the largest part of your head. Take the measurement to the 1/4-inch for the best hat fit. When you cannot get the exact measurement, opt to size up slightly rather than down. If you have a large head, making certain your hat fits correctly is the first step in choosing a hat that suits your face.


Hats and Body Shape

A large head may, in many cases, indicate that you have a large frame. If you are quite tall, broad shouldered or plus-size, choose hats that have a larger overall profile. You will find broader brims and larger shapes more flattering than smaller or more petite hats. You can also be quite petite or small-framed, but have a relatively large head. While you may need a large-size hat, the proportions of your hat should still be relatively small and delicate to fit your body and frame best. Look for cloches, pillboxes or similar styles to avoid overwhelming your frame. If you have a small frame, large head and large face, choose hats that are neither too small for your face or too large for your body.

Women's Hat Styles

Women with large heads can still wear and enjoy many types of hats. If you have a long face, choose hats that sit low on the forehead, avoiding any hat with a high, rounded or peaked crown. Look for hats with a low crown and round brim, like a cloche. Choose more angular hats, like a jaunty menswear fedora or a playful modern millinery creation with a higher crown or slanted brim to add interest and angles to a round face. Select a round, curvy hat to soften a very square face, like a cloche or a summer sun hat with a very wide, round brim. If you have an oval-shaped face, feel free to wear any hat that is in proportion to your face and frame.

Men's Hat Styles

Men's hats range from quite casual to dapper, and many of the same rules about pairing face shapes and hat styles for women apply to men. Choose rounder shapes, like the bowler or pork pie, with a strong or heavy jawline or angular face -- and more angular shapes, like the fedora or a classic Panama hat, to add lines to a round or full face. Choose a hat with a broader brim and higher crown if you are quite large and one with a smaller and narrower brim and crown if you are slender or short, for the most flattering fit. Many men's hats are available with slight variations that will allow you to find a fedora, bowler, pork pie or top hat appropriate for your head and face.

REFERENCES & RESOURCES The Art of Manliness: The Perfect Hat for Your Ugly Mug Goorin: Hat Fit Guide

