Time For A Tan Before You Hit The Beach! Here's 7 Tips For A Tanning Bed Beginner


With bikini season around the corner, many of you are probably considering going to the neighborhood tanning salon for a bronzed body, before you hit the beach.

In case you have never used a tanning bed before, we have done a little research for you so that you can make an informed decision and have a great tanning experience.


What To Expect From A Tanning Salon Experience?

Tanning experiences in salons can vary greatly since most tanning salons offer several levels of tanning, but there are three universal steps:
1.The first thing a good salon will do with new tanners in their salon is to give them a skin type survey.
2.Once the salon decides your skin type, the staff will suggest a lotion that will help you tan faster and another lotion that extend the tan.
3.Lastly, considering the risks of eye damages during tanning, customers are required to wear goggles the whole time.

Here is a video that shows you how to use the tanning bed.

Tanning Tip 1
Before using the tanning bed, you'd better take a shower and exfoliate your skin with a scrubbing soap or sponge. Your tan will last longer if your skin is clean and free of dead skin cells.

Tanning Tip 2
Choose the tanning lotion that is right for you.Lotions designed for tanning beds can improve your tanning results and make your skin smoother. The most popular brands are Designer Skin, Australian Gold, and Swedish Beauty.


Tanning Tip 3
Do not stay in the bed longer than you should, otherwise you might get burned. The first tanning session should only last around 7 minutes. If ever your skin is burned, do not get another tan until the burn is completely gone, and bump your time down.

Tanning Tip 4
Protect your eyes and always wear goggles in the tanning bed. Take this seriously because your eyes could be permanently damaged without them.

Tanning Tip 5
Wait for at least 48 hours in between tanning sessions.Once you have reached your tanning expectation, your tan can be maintained with 1 or 2 weekly visits to the tanning salon.

Tanning Tip 6
Use a tan extender after tanning to help your tan to last longer. As well as keeping your skin soft and tanned, the bronzers in them will also give you a little extra color.

Tanning Tip 7
Tan moderately and be wise about tanning. "Since some exposure to sunlight is beneficial to your health, it is reasonable that if you wish to be exposed to sunlight you can do so with relative safety as long you make sure that you do not receive a sunburn."- Dr. Michael F. Holick, Research dermatologist and photobiologist, Boston University School of Medicine.

With these seven tips in mind, follow the instructions from a well-trained employee from the salon, and you will definitely get the perfect tanning experience!


