Losing Weight While Staying Lazy



Laziness and weight loss do not get along very well. Well, at least that’s what most of us would think is true. However, it’s not that surreal. You can burn fat. And working out is not the only way to become slimmer.

1. Taking 15

Even the laziest of us can find 15 minutes to tone up. A short circuit twice per week is a doable mission. In just a month you’ll see the first positive results on the scale and changes in your looks. No more excuses. You know you can always find 30 minutes per week to do sports!

2. Keeping Healthy Snacks Around

Whether you work from home or office, keep healthy snacks around. Have a snack if you feel hungry in between the meals yet cannot leave your working place. Avoid junk foods, processed junk and vending machines that are stuffed with crisps and candy bars. Opt for foods that provide your body with fiber and keep you full for longer without empty calories. There should be nuts, fruit, cereal or oats in the office kitchen or your desk 24/7.

Losing Weight While Staying Lazy Keeping Healthy Snacks Around

3. Getting Moving – Staying Active

Desk jobs make us sit most of the time. However, you can use that time wisely. Never be motionless and take small breaks during which you’ll be able to do leg exercises. While seated, extend your right leg and lift it 10-15 times. Squeeze your abdominals and quadriceps. Then switch legs. Remember to get up and walk around more frequently. A short trip outside or a walk over to your colleague sitting on another floor – it is all very beneficial.

Losing Weight While Staying Lazy Getting Moving Staying Active

4. Drinking Lots of Water


Water is essential when trying to lose weight. It keeps your whole system clean. Hydrate yourself and detoxify your body by drinking plenty of fresh water. Have a glass of water before each meal and you’ll eat fewer calories. We often confuse thirst with hunger. So maybe after drinking a glass of water you’ll realize that you were thirsty rather than hungry.

Losing Weight While Staying Lazy Drinking Lots of Water

5. Keeping a Digital Food Journal

Snapping pictures of what you consume throughout the day might be very useful. Photos of what you eat and drink displayed on a social network will make you more disciplined and motive your followers. Pictures are more effective than taking notes. You need to have a visual understanding of your lifestyle and diet.

Losing Weight While Staying Lazy Keeping a Digital Food Journal

6. Walking It Out

Good old walking never fails. Walk everywhere to keep in shape. If possible, try to walk to do shopping. Walking to work is also helpful. You do not need skills, equipment or special weather conditions to practice walking. Just do it whenever and wherever you can.

Losing Weight While Staying Lazy Walking It Out

7. Cooking Ahead of Time

According to experts, cooking ahead of time might help you maintain your healthy weight and lose some if you have extra pounds. It’s quite a challenge to cook after a tiresome day at work. We recommend you should cook once per week rather than every day. Cook the foods that you can store in the fridge or freezer in advance. This will save your time – all you’ll need to do to have a meal is to take the food out and put it into the microwave.


Losing Weight While Staying Lazy Cooking Ahead of Time

