How to Turn Your Casual Clothes into a Stylish Outfit



Casual clothes are comfortable. They are cozy and we wear them at home as well as work. More than that, casual stuff is much more affordable than any other type of clothing.

Now your task is to turn your casual blouses, skirts and pants into something stylish and elegant. It can be easily done. Simply follow our advice and you’ll look stunning every day.

1. Have a look at the things you already own and see whether you’ve got casual items that can be turned into something stylish. Some stuff will never look stylish. You can hardly make cargo shorts look elegant. Know which pieces are fine to choose from.

2. Harmony and balance is the best solution. Only if your mind is discerning enough will you be able to create a stylish look. When choosing clothing to wear, think of two absolutely different places you would be going to – for instance, a cocktail party and the beach at the same time. If your outfit would look good for both, you’ve found the desired balance.

How to Turn Your Casual Clothes into a Stylish Outfit Harmony and balance is the best solution


3. Pick the right kinds of fabrics. Avoid items made from materials that can wrinkle. Some of them are: silk, rayon, cotton. Sharpness in your casual style will help you make your casual wear look elegant.

How to Turn Your Casual Clothes into a Stylish Outfit Pick the right kinds of fabrics

4. More than one layer is preferred. Trust us, you do not need to own an entire wardrobe full of amazingly designed clothing. You can look impressive by layering the items you already have. The effect that layering can create will stun people – as a rule, parts of clothing look not as cool unless you learn to combine them.

How to Turn Your Casual Clothes into a Stylish Outfit More than one layer is preferred

5. Your outfit will stand out if you use contrast. People’s attention will be caught if you look different from them or general crowd. Another way to create contrast is by using elements, details and accessories that juxtapose the main outfit.


How to Turn Your Casual Clothes into a Stylish Outfit Your outfit will stand out if you use contrast

