15 Useless and Harmful Exercises You Should Stop Doing Now


You’re probably aware of how important regular physical activity is for your well-being. It helps improve both mental and physical health. You may think that doing any exercise is good. However, not all workouts are created equal. Some moves are a waste of your gym time or even worse—actually harmful and more likely to result in injury.

The next time that you are at the gym—take a look around. You’ll probably see people doing these exercises. But, resist the urge to do them yourself. These 15 common gym moves are ineffective at best and plain dangerous at worst.

1. Lat Pulldown – Behind the Head


Lat Pulldown – Behind the Head – http://bodybuilding-wizard.com/

The lat pulldown is an effective exercise for working the muscles of the back. It is probably one of the worst exercises that you can do, though. If your shoulders are not very flexible, this exercise can lead to shoulder impingement causing you to risk a rotator cuff injury. On top of the risk of a shoulder injury, neck strain is common when doing a lat pulldown. Most people are not flexible enough to get a straight pull behind the neck. Therefore, they crane their neck forward to do the move, which can cause strain to the neck. 

2. Arm Circles With Weights

Arm Circles With Weights – https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com

Many ballet barre and strength training classes involve doing arm circles—often using three to five-pound weights. Although arm circles might seem like a great workout for your arms, they can put unnecessary stress on your joints—especially when done using weights. The problem is that the position of your arms pulls your shoulder joints against gravity. Adding weight on top of this just makes the move even more harmful and subjects your shoulder to instability. This can lead to problems with pain in the shoulder and rotator cuff.

3. Upright Row

Upright Row – https://gymjunkies.com/

An upright row is a common exercise. It is also one of the most harmful ones that you can do for your shoulders. This row puts your shoulders in a position that has been linked with ligament tears and impingement syndrome. When performing this exercise, your arms must internally rotate and bent at the elbows. Every time that you raise your arms up and add resistance in that position, a small tendon in the rotator cuff area gets pinched. You may not notice pain immediately. However, after repeated upright rows, the tendon will eventually become damaged and could eventually tear.

4. Superman

Superman – http://workouttrends.com

This bodyweight exercise is performed in many Pilates classes. To do it, you lie down on your stomach with your arms extended out in front of you and your arms and legs lifted off the ground like Superman. Although this exercise is touted as great for the back, it can make back pain worse. The compressive forces on the lower back can reach as high as 1,300 pounds. Also, you will not get much of a benefit from doing the Superman. The range of motion is so narrow that won’t strengthen the glutes, hamstrings or lower back in any real way. 

5. Seated Thigh Adduction and Abduction

Seated Thigh Adduction and Abduction – http://www.directlyfitness.com/

You’ve probably seen people at the gym on those machines that work the inner and outer thighs. Called adduction and abduction exercises, these moves do little to tone your thighs. Also, they can cause strain to the muscles that you are trying to work. A better way to work your thigh muscles is to do everyday things like run, walk and take the stairs instead of the elevator. When you do these things, the adductors and abductors work naturally to keep the knees in alignment, which helps to strengthen these muscles.

6. Bridge Pose

Bridge Pose – https://www.yogajournal.com/

The Bridge pose, a staple of yoga, is a beginning backbend. To do it, you lie on your back with your knees bent,  your arms at your sides and your feet placed on the floor. You then elevate your hips so that your body is in a straight line from your chest to knees. The bridge pose is supposed to help strengthen the back, thighs and glutes. In reality, it won’t do much. The extreme arch of the back takes the work out of the legs and hips and places it on the spine. Even worse, this pose puts the lumbar spine in extreme ranges of extension. 

7. Barbell Snatch

Barbell Snatch – http://revolute.academy

This technical exercise was once reserved for Olympic lifting athletes. Due to the popularity of CrossFit, amateur gym-goers are often seen performing this move. The problem is that many use an improper form which can lead to serious injuries. Even athletes that are experienced have gotten injured doing the barbell snatch. In fact, CrossFit coach, Kevin Ogar, was left paralyzed after performing the barbell snatch in a weightlifting competition in 2014. This is probably one of the most dangerous exercises that you can do if you are not trained. 


8. Kipping Pull-Up

Kipping Pull-Up – https://www.theboxmag.com

The Kipping pull-up is another CrossFit staple and an exercise best reserved for elite athletes. It takes a lot of flexibility, strength and mobility to perform correctly. To do this chin-up, you grab the bars with a palms-away grip and using body momentum, rapidly pull up to get your chin above the bars. This puts a lot of strain on the shoulders. The shoulders are highly vulnerable joints that are prone to injury making the kipping pull-up one of the worst gym exercises that you can do. Outside of competition, there is no reason to do a kipping pull-up. 

9. Bench Dips

Bench Dips – https://www.bodybuilding.com

To do bench or triceps dips, all you need is a bench or chair. You place your arms behind your torso on the bench or chair and lift yourself. The bench dip is meant to tone your triceps. Although this move does work the triceps, it can harm other muscles, including your rotator cuff. These muscles are essential for everyday tasks. Damage your rotator cuff and you will have a hard time doing simple things like typing and even putting on clothes. Therefore, skip the bench dips the next time that you are at the gym.

10. Tire Flips

Tire Flips – https://www.bodybuilding.com/

You’ve probably noticed people in bootcamps, obstacles courses and at gyms flipping tires. The only real benefit to doing this exercise is that makes you look like a badass. Other than that, these are one of the most dangerous moves that you can do. Most people round their lower back when they bend down to grip the tire. This is because few people have the hip mobility needed to do the exercise correctly. If you don’t have the mobility, performing these are bad for your back and your biceps. Tire flips are best left to people participating in a strength competitions.

11. Crunches

Crunches – http://3i133rqau023qjc1k3txdvr1.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com

In a quest for six-pack abs, crunches of all kinds have become a national obsession. Unfortunately, these exercises are rarely effective and often harmful to your back. The problem with crunches is that they won’t get rid of fat. So, if you have a layer of fat over your abdominals, they will still not look toned no matter how many crunches you do. Also, crunches only target one section of your abdominals—the front. To get a six pack, you have to work all of your abdominals, which crunches don’t do. Additionally, crunches strain the back.

12. Leg Extensions

Leg Extensions – https://www.bodybuilding.com

Leg extensions are one of the most popular gym exercises. If you are like most people, you have probably used the squat machine a time or two at your gym. These exercises work your quads but put a tremendous amount of pressure on your knee. This can lead to problems with the ACL ligament in your knee. If you’ve injured your knee in the past, you will want to stay away from leg extensions. It is probably best to stick to exercises that involve functional movements or ones that you do in your everyday life, such as squats.

13. Leg Hover

Leg Hover –

Leg hovers involve lying on your back with your legs hovering above the ground. They are supposed to be perfect for your abdominals and core. While they do work your abdominals, they are bad for the rest of your body—especially your back. Most people do not pull their abdominals into their spine far enough so that the lower back rests on the floor. This results in an unbelievable amount of strain on the back. Try 90-degree toe touches instead of leg hovers. Simply lie on your back, lift your legs in the air and reach your arms towards your toes.

14. Planks

Planks – http://images.indianexpress.com/

Planks have become an ultra-competitive exercise. In Pilates classes, you’ll see people competing against one another to hold the plank the longest. To do a plank, you lie flat on the floor and hold yourself up on your elbows and tiptoes. If you are doing it correctly, your body will look like a flat plank. Although a plank will build strength in your core, it can be dangerous if not done in perfect form. Most people do not have the strength to do it correctly, and this is what leads to injury.

15. Deadlifts


Deadlifts – http:http://cdn-mf0.heartyhosting.com

The deadlift is a great exercise. It works your entire body, but you have to use good form. Otherwise, doing deadlifts pose a risk of injury. This exercise is an exceptionally technical movement that involves lifting tremendous loads, sometimes two times the person’s body weight. It is very easy to herniate a disk when doing a deadlift especially if the weight is too heavy or you are in the wrong position. If you do decide to do deadlifts, you should work with a personal trainer first to ensure that you have the proper technique and form.

